How To Add Friends On Duolingo In 2023? (Step-by-Step Process Explained)

How To Add Friends On Duolingo In 2023? (Step-by-Step Process Explained)

Duolingo is a great way of developing your communication skills in a new language. In addition to that it is a great way of making some new friends. When you are in your Friend quest, these friends will help you to take part in it. Thus it is very important to make new friends on the platform. Thus you must know how to add friends on Duolingo. Further, we have discussed how can you add friends on Duolingo and what are the reasons why you are not able to follow them.

Quick Takeaways

  • To add friends on Duolingo, you will have to go to the profile page of the platform and look for adding friends and the option to follow new friends. 
  • Similarly to add friends on the Desktop version, you will see the adding friends option to follow new friends. 
  • There are different reasons for not able to follow new friends – being in a classroom, having an inactive account, reaching the maximum limit of following the users, or are having a private account.
  • When you are adding up friends you will be able to see the following options to add your friends-
1. Look for the friends who are in your device’s contact list. 
2. Connecting Facebook with the platform and syncing the friend list from it.
3. Sending invites to friends for joining Duolingo on WhatsApp, text, etc.

We also recommend you read till the end so that you do not miss any of the crucial facts related to the friends on Duolingo. However, let us first briefly understand what is Duolingo and the features that you get on it. 

How To Add Friends On Duolingo In 2023? (Step-by-Step Process Explained)

What is a Duolingo platform?

Duolingo is a platform where you can learn different languages like Spanish, High Valyrian, Japanese, Russian, etc, with the help of a lot of activities and challenges. When you are in the course you will have to take part in different levels like legendary levels and try to get the different crowns. Further to help you learn about the language, Duolingo keeps bringing weekly challenges like leagues, timed challenges, etc. These challenges are a great way to test your knowledge so far. One such challenge that you will see is the Friend quest. To take part in it you need to have friends on the platform. Thus further we have discussed how can you add friends on Duolingo.

How to add friends on Duolingo?

Adding up friends on Duolingo means that you are following a user on the platform. If your account is active and open, it is very easy for you to add up the users on the platform. Adding up them will depend upon the way you are using the platform. These friends will help you to stay motivated in learning the language you are studying. Also when you add up friends, you get to unlock the achievements. Further, we have discussed the steps to add friends on mobile and desktop. 


To add friends on Duolingo you will have to follow the given steps-

  • You will need to tap on the profile icon on the Duolingo platform.
  • Look for the option ‘add friends’ and tap on it.
  • Now you will get some of the few options which have mentioned below-
How To Add Friends On Duolingo In 2023? (Step-by-Step Process Explained)
  1. Look for the friends who are in your device’s contact list. 
  2. Connecting Facebook with the platform and syncing the friend list from it.
  3. Sending invites to friends for joining Duolingo on WhatsApp, text, etc.
  • However, these are not only the options you can also add people who are recommended by Duolingo. Further, if you are aware of the email address, name or username of the person you want to add, you can directly search for them in the search bar. 
  • Now when you get the user you want to follow, just tap on the follow button which is in blue colour. 
  • Once you do it you will be able to see that it turns to the following option. The people you follow will come in your following list. 


  • The process of adding up the users is again similar to mobile. You will again have to go to your profile from the menu option.
  • Now scroll down to find the option of ‘find friends’ or ‘invite friends’. Select the option you want to. 
  • All the options that you get are similar for mobile. However, the only difference is that you will not be able to sync your contacts just the way you do on mobile. To get saved from it, you must first log in to mobile and sync your contacts over there. It will help you to get your contacts even when you are using Duolingo on a desktop.
How To Add Friends On Duolingo In 2023? (Step-by-Step Process Explained)

What is the difference between friends, followings and followers?

Although all three will follow under the friends tab, it is important for you to know that all three are different from each other. Thus to help you know the difference between them, we have discussed them one by one below-

  • When you randomly follow a user on the platform in your targeted language it will be in your following list. It means that if you are learning Portuguese you may need to follow the user in the same language.
  • Now if anyone is following you on the platform, they will come under the followers list. 
  • Further, if we talk about friends, you and the user need to follow each other. It means if you are following someone and that person does not follow you may, he/she will be on the following list and not on the friends list. Similarly,  if a user is following you and you do not follow them back, the user will be in the followers list and not in friends list. 

Having friends on the platform is really important as it increases your chance to get paired in a friends quest. However, you must always remember that to become a friend and play a quest, you and your friend must be at the same level.

How To Add Friends On Duolingo In 2023? (Step-by-Step Process Explained)

What are the reasons for not being able to add friends on Duolingo?

Many users complained about this issue several times. According to Duolingo, it is very easy to add friends on the platform. However, when you use the platform, you will see this problem lot of times and sometimes it is also discouraging as friends are really important if you want to take part in a friends quest. Therefore we have discussed some of the reasons why you are unable to add friends on the platform-

1. Age restriction

If you are a person who has the age of 13 you will not be able to add up friends on the platform. In addition to that you will also not be able to follow the users who are of 13 years.

2. Classroom

If you are using Duolingo Classroom, there is a high chance that you are unable to add up friends. It is because the head of the classroom may have made some restrictions on it. So if you want to add friends you need to leave the class group.

How To Add Friends On Duolingo In 2023? (Step-by-Step Process Explained)

3. Private account

The next reason why you may not be able to add friends on Duolingo is if you keep your settings private. There are many users who keep private settings for their accounts. The main reason behind it is that they do not want to participate in the Duolingo leagues. However, due to it, you will also not be able to follow others.

4. Having a long following list

The maximum number of followings that you can make is about 1000. So if you hit 1000 followers on your profile, you will not be able to follow new users. To get saved from it you must unfollow some of the old users.

5. Inactive account

You will have to use Duolingo regularly to follow new users. It is because if you are not using Duolingo regularly, Duolingo will mark you inactive. Once it is marked as inactive, you will not be able to follow other users. To get save from it you will try completing the full lesson and wait for another 24 hours before following the user. If it was the problem of why you were not able to follow a new user, then it will be sought after 24 hours of completing the lessons.


When you are using Duolingo for learning different languages you will get a lot of different features like gems, leagues, legendary levels, etc. As Duolingo is a gaming platform there are a lot of different challenges like Friend quest, which is completed with the help of friends on your platform. To add friends on Duolingo, you will have to go to your profile and look for the option of inviting and adding up friends. You will be getting different ways of adding them.

Once you get the user you want to follow you have to tap on follow option. The steps are similar in the case of the desktop version. However, you must remember that if you are in a classroom, inactive on the platform or have any age restriction, you will not be able to follow a new friend on the platform. 


How do I see my friends on Duolingo mobile?

You can only view who has followed you on the desktop and not on the app. However, you will be receiving a notification on your mobile also when someone will follow you. You will have to again go to the profile and check for the friend’s tab on it. Under the tab, you will be able to see your friends, followers and followings.

William Christie
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